Mastering Mathematics Work-Textbook Secondary 2B

Mastering Mathematics Work-Textbook Secondary 2B

Instruction Media
Instruction Media

ISBN : 8858649141071

Series name : Mastering Mathematics

Auther name : Yeap Ban Har, Ph.D. และคณะ

Copy : Publishing, Distribute, Self-Published

Product detail

Mastering Mathematics Work-Textbook Secondary 2B is developed from the most renowned mathematics series for secondary levels in Singapore based on Thailand’s newly revised curriculum of B.E. 2560(A.D. 2017). It includes various active learning activities to help increase students’ knowledge and enhance their thinking skills. It also provides marginal notes along the way allowing students to extend and increase their understanding on what they have learned. Finishing with Problems in Real-World Context, it allows students apply their mathematical knowledge on real-life situations.

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Instruction Media

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