Targeting Mathematics Work-Textbook Primary 5A

Targeting Mathematics Work-Textbook Primary 5A (สิ้นสุดปีการศึกษา '67)

Instruction Media
Instruction Media

ISBN : 8858649140418

Series name : English Program (EP) P.1-6

Auther name : Eric Chan Chun Ming, Ph.D

Copy : etc.

Product detail

Targeting Mathematics Work-Textbook Primary 5 Book A is based on Thailand's newly revised curriculum of B.E. 2560 (A.D. 2017). This book is adapted and developed from a Singapore's best seller series of Primary Mathematics approved by Singapore's MOE. This series utilizes the CPA approach (Concrete-Pictorial-Abstract or Doing-Seeing-Symbolic stages) to help the students understand the abstract concepts more easily. It also employs bar modeling which helps the students solve the problems more systematically.

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Instruction Media

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